What is Core Doctrine?


At its origin Core Doctrine is a survey of the Word of God. The intent of which is to highlight how God lays out His Word and then grasp the methods He employs to convey meaning to us.

The premise is this:

If we study how God presents His word and grasp an understanding of how these elements are crafted; then we would have the prerequisites for the Holy Spirit's teaching on all truth.

In order for the ice berg to be seen above the water, the majority of its mask must remain under water, out of site.

In order for the tree to stand.

In order for the tree to bear the force of the wind.

In order for the tree to support life


The roots must be strong!

We all have our own ideas of what to grasp as we read the Word. Unfortunately, just like the root of a tree and the chunk of iceberg beneath the waves, are all out of sight and not readily considered. We conclude on the meaning to be grasp without paying much attention to how we arrived at our conclusions.

Can a tree stand without its roots?

Would an iceburg be visible above water if the majority of its mass wasn’t unseen under the water line?

It is as if the whys and hows of our interpretations are insignificant enough to be passed over as though that part of our will was not as important as our worldview.

In the two illustrations above; the root system of the tree and the portion of iceburg under the water both represent what Core Doctrine does for a believer.


Core Doctrine gives us the foundation, the root support needed for our conclusions and our worldview.